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public class TabSet
extends Object
implements Serializable
A TabSet is comprised of many TabStops. It offers methods for locating the closest TabStop to a given position and finding all the potential TabStops. It is also immutable.

Warning: serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between Swing1.0 applications. It will not be possible to load serialized Swing1.0 objects with future releases of Swing. The JDK1.2 release of Swing will be the compatibility baseline for the serialized form of Swing objects.

Constructor Index

 o TabSet(TabStop[])
Creates and returns an instance of TabSet.

Method Index

 o getTab(int)
Returns the TabStop at index index.
 o getTabAfter(float)
Returns the Tab instance after location.
 o getTabCount()
Returns the number of Tab instances the receiver contains.
 o getTabIndex(TabStop)
 o getTabIndexAfter(float)
Returns the index of the Tab to be used after location.
 o toString()
Returns the string representation of the set of tabs.


 o TabSet
 public TabSet(TabStop tabs[])
Creates and returns an instance of TabSet. The array of Tabs passed in must be sorted in ascending order.


 o getTabCount
 public int getTabCount()
Returns the number of Tab instances the receiver contains.

 o getTab
 public TabStop getTab(int index)
Returns the TabStop at index index. This will throw an IllegalArgumentException if index is outside the range of tabs.

 o getTabAfter
 public TabStop getTabAfter(float location)
Returns the Tab instance after location. This will return null if there are no tabs after location.

 o getTabIndex
 public int getTabIndex(TabStop tab)
the index of the TabStop tab, or -1 if tab is not contained in the receiver.
 o getTabIndexAfter
 public int getTabIndexAfter(float location)
Returns the index of the Tab to be used after location. This will return -1 if there are no tabs after location.

 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns the string representation of the set of tabs.

toString in class Object

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